FF Youth Ministry
Youth Group Meeting Feb 1st @ 7:30-8:30pm in the Parish Center. Bowling at Shaker Bowl immediately following the meeting. Parents encouraged to attend to finalize spring calendar events and Feb 22nd trip to BOSTON !
Upcoming Events:
1/25-Thunderbirds game night
2/1 & 2/2– Fundraising for Young Life summer trips
2/1-Meeting and Bowling @ 7:30pm
2/8-Youth Rally @ Pope Francis 4:30pm Youth Rally Flyer, & Registration link
2/22– Boston day trip - planning underway (Including Mass at the Cathedral and Seminary tour )
6/27-7/2 –YOUNG LIFE High school trip to Saranac NY. ~ Sign up: St. Mary’s Young Life High School SUMMER Trip
7/27-7/31– YOUNG LIFE middle school trip to Lake Champion ~ Sign up: St. Mary's Middle School trip to Lake Champion