

            Baptism was instituted when Jesus told his disciples to go forth and baptize all nations.  The sign of baptism is the pouring of water over the forehead using the words if initiation: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” 

            Baptism can be conferred by anyone in an emergency, but usually this is done by a priest or a deacon.  Baptism can only be received once.  Protestants who have been baptized as described above and who later become Catholics, do not need to be “re-baptized”.  Mormons and Jehovah's witnesses and some others do, because they don't view baptism in the same way as most Christians.

            Baptism causes a permanent change in the relationship of a person to God; the person now shares in the “sonship” of Jesus.  Because of this change, all previous sin, including original sin, is forgiven.  However, consequences of sin remain.

            Baptism is usually conferred on infants in our Church, but certainly is available to any person who desires to enter the Church. 

            For an adult, baptism would normally follow the Rite of Christian Initiation, which involves instruction and certain rituals, and ends on Holy Saturday when the actual Baptism takes place.

            Contact the Parish office at 413-567-3124 to schedule a Baptism.

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