St. Mary's Women's Guild
St. Mary’s Guild 2024-2025 Officers
Sherene Quinlan and Patrica Clark: co-presidents
Mena DeCarvalho: vice-president
Laura Yofre-Treble: secretary
Barbara Burati: treasurer
Calling All Women of St. Mary's Parish
St. Mary’s Guild would love to welcome you to a new year of activities, events, faith and fellowship.
Becoming an active member of the Guild gives you the opportunity to make a difference in our parish while enjoying the company of a diverse group of women. We encourage you to join us! New people, new ideas, and suggestions are always appreciated. We invite you to get involved!
More About St. Mary's Guild
The women of St.Mary’s Guild raised the money to build our church. Over the years, we have purchased for Saint Mary’s the marble altar, the hanging crucifix and the total refurbishment of our bell.
Founded in 1924, the Guild follows three objectives:
To Promote Friendship among its Members-
Working together on projects, like Poinsettia deliveries to shut-ins, helping with parish mailings, sending cards to the sick and masses for our deceased, providing interesting programs after our business meetings, basket making for our Craft Fair, donating “Children Matter” bags for women abuse shelters, hosting the Installation Dinner and presentation of Scholarship Awards.
To Enrich the Spiritual Lives of its Members-
We host yearly a mass for deceased members followed by a communion dinner. During Lent, we hold a parish Evening of Recollection which includes mass, a sit down dinner and a guest speaker. The Altar Society cleans and maintains the altar areas in church. Our Honor Guard acts as greeters and stands guard at funerals of Guild members.
To Raise Money for St. Mary’s Church-
Our biggest fundraiser is the Craft Fair, held on the first Saturday in December each year, including raffle baskets, used book sales and efforts for our scholarship funds.